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Michael J Quinn - Online Memorial Website

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Michael Quinn
Born in United States
22 years
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I'll always remember the halloween party bus.  Rest in peace man.  We'll miss you.
Amanda Bell

Someone Just recently asked me if Quinny had a nick name for me and a hasty no was what I replied...  But in fond rememberance I guess he did have a nickname for me, when I really put some thought into it I realised Quinny had called me by my first and last name for as long as I had known him.  Upon my entrance into a room where Quinny happened to be, a yell of MandaBell could be heard throughout wherever we were, which would almost always be followed by a Quinny style hug...  If any of you have been on the receiving end of this sort of hug you know what it means to be embraced by those big meat paws he liked to refer to as his hands.  I recently spent alot of time with Quinn in Oshkosh and on his last visit we went on a quest for some college whores...  Being instructed that Molly's was the place to find such girls we promptly set out.  Once at Molly's I almost immediately recognised that this was not going to be a bar experience that I would have normally enjoyed, but with Quinn what wasn't fun??  He Immediately took to the dance floor, and for being such a big guy everyone is usually pretty surprised to see his Fred Astaire lightness on the floor...  This is not to say that he was an excellent dancer, because he wasn't!  But he made sure to dance like no one was watching which is what gave the common on-looker a little insight into the type of fun-loving guy he truly was.  We all spent nearly four hours watching quinny flit around and make new acquaintances with ease.  It is just who he was...  When it was time to venture to the next location Quinny begrudginly left putting up a fight the entire way.  Fast Forward to the next location, The Reptile Palace.  Immediately upon walking in and hearing the first metal song The bottom lip came out to play.  Imagine this if you can as big of guy as he was he just sat at a table and pouted, arms crossed and really putting on a show for all of us, that is until someone purchased him a drink and played a little Bustah Rhymes on the juke box.  This would only soothe him until Metallica began blaring from the juke once again.  It took approximately three chords and he became so nauseated that he had to immediately leave the bar.  So imagine Kim, Josh, and me playing into this, and guiding him out of the bar.  Man did he put on a show, dry heaves and all!  As soon as we hit the cool air you could see a smile of victory forming on his face, but being that this was Quinny, he had to take it to the max.  He stumbled to a pole and made the most pathetic (fake) vomiting noises I had ever personally heard.  We let this go on until we could all hear the giggles in between heaves, upon letting him in on the fact that we knew he was crying wolf he immediately looked up with that shit eating ear-to-ear grin he was almost famous for and said lets get back to the whores. Thirty seconds later he was asleep in the back seat of the car.  The very next week I saw him at his house and man was he disagreeable that day.  It seemed every other word out of his mouth was HORSESHIT...  If you knew Quinny you knew that this was his cry of defeat not anger.  I had been picking on him pretty hard that night which was the exact opposite of what normally happened, so to cheer him up I asked him about my tits giving him a nice open to throw something back at me...  Being the dirty old man he was his reply was this... Babycakes  It's not the shirt that makes your tits look saggy, it's your saggy tits that make your tits look saggy.  Laughter was the only response that comment elicited from me, and he said ask a stupid question get a stupid answer.  These are just two very vivid memories I have of quinny in the span of one week, but really there is a life-time worth stored up for a rainy day.  Quinny you will be sorely missed and hopefully strongly remembered.  'Till the next time "Fuck yo' couch nigga"  Sleep Well.

Jason Ganz


Country USA will never be the same without you! You were one heck of a nice guy and I always enjoyed talking and partying with you. May you rest in peace until we meet again. Love ya man!!!

Wow...I can't believe you're gone! It seems like just yesterday we were always chilling on the lake in my dad's boat - waterskiing until there was no more sunlight! I will always remember those days - and also kicking your butt in our first wakeboarding competition :) Oh and the times we spent at Jessie's after class in middle school - I still laugh when I see those pictures! Then there was homecoming freshman were an awesome date even though we went as friends.  You were always there for me and made me laugh so hard tears would stream down my face and my stomach would ache but those are the times I will always remember.  Watch over us all up in heaven! You will be greatly missed by everyone but we all know that you are in a much better place.  Love you and miss you buddy - always keep it real! :) Muwah!
Jason Ganz
Quinny NEW YEARS 2007
Total Memories: 11
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